
Call for Nominations for the 2024 Board of Directors Election

The Animal Welfare League NSW (AWL NSW) is a registered charity, a company limited by guarantee with a Constitution that serves as its governing document. Governance is delivered by a Board of Directors, which includes a President and Non-Executive Board Director roles.

In accordance with the Constitution, an election and appointment of Directors will take place at the 2024 Annual General Meeting of AWL NSW which is proposed to be held in person on Thursday, 14 November 2024.

A formal Notice of the 2024 AGM will be issued in due course.

Under the Constitution, two (2) Directors in office as of the date of this notice must retire at the end of the 2024 AGM.

Being eligible, each of the retiring Directors currently intends to stand for re-election.

Please carefully read the attached three documents and complete the Nomination Form (item 3 below) if you intend to nominate.


1. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – Explanatory Notes on Eligibility and Timing


2. DUTIES OF DIRECTORS Explanatory Notes on Directors Duties


3. NOMINATION FORM – This Form must be completed in full by the Nominee, signed by a Proposer and Seconder, and submitted by the due date.


Nominations must be received by the Company Secretary by no later than:

5.00 pm (Sydney time) on Monday, 30 September 2024.

Nominations received after that time will not be accepted.

Please return completed Nomination Forms to:

The Company Secretary
Animal Welfare League NSW
PO Box 308 Kemps Creek NSW 2178

Email: companysecretary@awlnsw.com.au

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